Artificial intelligence has changed the world significantly in the last year. Although most of us are aware of the improvements in text and image tools such as ChatGPT and Midjourney, a more profound transformation is taking place behind the scenes.
Here are eight predictions made by Associate Professor Per-Arne Andersen and Professor Morten Goodwin about how artificial intelligence will impact society by 2029.
1.A fresh arms competition.
Powerful nations like China, the US, and India will probably use artificial intelligence to fuel increasingly sophisticated weaponry over the course of the next five years.
“A nation might develop extremely intelligent drone swarms that are able to cause serious harm. Goodwin expects that other nations would intensify their efforts to produce even more destructive weapons in retaliation.
Andersen notes that artificial intelligence is used in today’s warfare and that the weapons race is already in progress.
“Currently, generals make decisions in war, but I believe that artificial intelligence will be able to make far better strategic decisions than humans,” he asserts.
Which nation, then, do researchers think will win the race for military artificial intelligence? China is the response.
2.AI-generated entertainment.
According to Goodwin, in five years artificial intelligence will not only be able to produce books, music, movies, and video games, it will also set a new norm.
“Developments in this area are moving rapidly, and the necessary tools already exist,” according to him.
According to the researcher, labor organizations like those in Hollywood won’t have much influence to stop this shift.
“Labor unions can demand things, but it won’t matter if the technology lives up to its claims. Typographers were heavily represented by labor unions in the 1980s, but with the introduction of computers and printers, this became irrelevant.”
3.The nature of education will shift.
Exams and lectures will seem antiquated. Artificial intelligence will change the way we learn, and there are better methods to do so.
In five years, tests won’t exist, in my opinion. Why should we test something that is more adept at artificial intelligence than we are? There will still be schools and institutions, but they won’t resemble what we know them to be today, according to Goodwin.
The experts do not, however, think that every component of the educational system will be eliminated.
“Learning to be human, developing social skills, and gaining foundational information are all made possible through attending primary and high schools. They will persevere, but new technology will undoubtedly be used to help them, according to Goodwin.
4.AI is utilized in critical decision-making.
We’ve already asked ChatGPT for tips on crafting perfect wedding speeches and summaries of meetings. So why wouldn’t governments consult artificial intelligence while making crucial decisions?
“Instead of convening committees and grappling with conflicting expert opinions, artificial intelligence can help politicians make decisions about everything from bike paths to new hospitals,” adds Goodwin.
5.A transformed work environment.
The experts predict that in five years, tasks requiring human intervention will decrease. On the other hand, human labor will become increasingly meaningful.
Work is misinterpreted, in my opinion. We require money, on the one hand, for bare basics like food and rent. However, we also need to discover purpose in our lives. Goodwin observes, “We frequently entwine these aspects without them necessarily being connected.”
One major question to be answered is who would profit when artificial intelligence replaces human laborers: capital owners or the workers themselves? As of yet, we are unsure. But there will undoubtedly be resentment and demonstrations.
“Those who lose their occupations could feel as though they are no longer relevant in society and are losing their identity. Andersen predicts a large number of demonstrations opposing the development of artificial intelligence.
6.”Coding will eventually become obsolete.”
The experts predict that a number of jobs, including software development, would vanish in the next several years.
“Coding will eventually become obsolete. Rather, we will give computer programs instructions to write code on our behalf “says Goodwin.
However, people are not entirely unimportant. The ability to program computers to produce the desired results is still vital.
“The ability to make purchases will become increasingly crucial. The researcher states, “I need to know what I want if I’m going to ask an algorithm for a new website or app.
7.The body seems to heal itself.
Small robots known as nanorobots are already being utilized in medical research. By 2029, the researchers think these robots will have more artificial intelligence built into them, which will allow them to target bodily malignancies or repair injured muscles and tissues.
In addition, I think that in the next five years, artificial intelligence-based anti-aging will become more popular. This implies that artificial intelligence may be able to determine why humans age in addition to fixing damage,” adds Goodwin.
It’s feasible that wrinkles might be removed without the need for Botox by injecting a small army of robots.
8.Space travel.
It is not practicable to entrust such endeavors to humans, as interplanetary exploration will take millions of years to complete. However, artificial intelligence is a good fit for these kinds of trips.
“Whether the robots employed are physical or virtual may not be crucial, but I think they will be deployed by 2029, with Elon Musk at the forefront,” Goodwin asserts.
9.General artificial intelligence breakthrough.
Unlike ChatGPT’s textual competence or Midjourney’s visual competency, general artificial intelligence is not limited to any one area of expertise. Rather, it can perform a variety of duties just as well as people.
“I don’t think we will achieve this by 2029, but perhaps we will have some kind of Frankenstein AI that combines many different forms of artificial intelligence,” Andersen says.
Goodwin agrees, stating that he does not think truly general artificial intelligence will be attained in the next five years. Nevertheless, he believes that a surprising discovery will advance that objective.
10.Artificial intelligence helpers are on the way.
Say goodbye to Siri and “Hey Google.” Ahead of you, digital assistants that know what you want before you do will arrive.
“These assistants can be actual robots or, as we are used to, they can be embedded in our mobile phones. Robotic helpers, for instance, might be installed in smart homes to prepare meals for you whenever you get hungry, according to Andersen.
AI has changed our lives and made us inseparable from it now.
Artificial intelligence will bring new security risks and challenges, such as network attacks and data breaches, which need to be taken seriously and resolved.
The analysis of the application and prospects of artificial intelligence in various fields is very forward-looking.
AI will promote the development of intelligent transportation and logistics. For example, autonomous vehicle and intelligent logistics systems will improve the efficiency and safety of transportation.
Provides interesting perspectives and reflections on artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence will promote innovation in the healthcare field, such as improving medical efficiency and accuracy through intelligent diagnosis and treatment plans.
Artificial intelligence will accelerate the process of automation and digitization, and many traditional jobs will be replaced by robots and intelligent software.
Artificial intelligence will become one of the most important technologies in the next five years, and it will profoundly affect our way of life and work.